
Biomethane industry creates network to track renewable gas certificates

The Renewable Gas Trade Centre in Europe (REGATRACE) project has launched a digital network to track and exchange renewable gas certificates and boost biomethane trading across Europe.

EU leaders committed to facilitating access to gas infrastructure and renewable gas markets in the recently published Gas Package. The development of a European renewable gas market is ‘essential’ to ensure increasing shares of renewable gases are injected into the grid.

By providing certainty and information on where, when and how the renewable gas is produced, renewable gas certificates provide confidence in the green gas sector; encourage gas producers to inject green gas into the grid, and allow biomethane producers to sell gas to all EU Member States.

The REGATRACE Network is connecting different organisations responsible for the documentation and cross-border tracking of renewable gases across the region. The network has been developed in the framework of the REGTRACE EU project and currently includes 13 organisations and institutions. These are: Amber Grid; the Association of Issuing Bodies; AGCS Gas Clearing & Settlement; European Biogas Association; Energigas; Energinet; European Renewable Gas Registry; Royal Netherlands Standardisation Institute; REDCert; Renewable Gas Assurance Limited; SPP Distribucia; Unia Producentów i Pracodawców Przemysłu Biogazowego, and Verband der Schweizerischen Gasindustrie.

“The biomethane sector is developing and becoming ever more relevant, especially in the times of the European Green Deal,” said REGATRACE’s project coordinator, Stefano Proietti. “In this sense, it is vital that the relevant stakeholders who are involved in the implementation of the European directives grow together.

“The REGATRACE Network is a great opportunity for this combined effort, and we are confident that many more organisations will join it.”

The Network is open to any organisations, institutions and authorities involved in the verification and documentation of renewable gases, as well as any associations, representing producers, traders and/or consumers of renewable gas certificates.

Matthias Edel, secretary-general of the European Renewable Gas Registry, commented: “The REGATRACE project touches upon so many different aspects, areas, and countries, and mainly through reporting.

“The Network gives the project a human touch, in that partners can get together to share their experiences, questions, and ideas in conversation. For me, this is a way to connect and underline the aim of building a truly European approach to a growing market.”

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