Volume 7, Issue 3
Published: May 12, 2016
Building a world-class AD industry
This year’s UK AD& Biogas expo on 6-7 July at the NEC, Birmingham,will be Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association (ADBA)’s seventh international trade show. It firmly establishes...
On-site AD desperately needs the "right kind of support"
On-site anaerobicdigestion (AD) has agood future ahead of it provided thesector is given the “right kind of support”, says the Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association (ADBA). Unfortunately,...
The Big Question
YES. The latest round of feed-in tariffdegressions, which took place on 31 March, saw a significant reduction in subsidies for anaerobic digestion(AD) sites. Specifically, the tariff for facilities under...
New Hertfordshire AD plant boosts Britain's food waste recycling credentials
Commercial and industrial food processors in Hertfordshire and Essex, in the UK,now have a greener, cheaper option for managing food waste, with the opening ofa new anaerobic digestion(AD) plant in Hoddesdon....
Challenges of building AD plants
In all construction and engineering industries, there are always challenges when it comes to building. The anaerobic digestion (AD) industry is no exception to the obstacles that occur throughout the construction...
The forgotten element
Anaerobic digestion(AD) produces many valuable and useful products, including biogas (which can then be turned into heat, electricity,or biomethane gas) and digestate, a biofertiliser rich in nutrients...
Adding value to packaged food waste
Packaged food waste is a valuable commoditya nd a rich source of material for anaerobic digestion(AD) plants. The main foodstuff materials available are packaged supermarket waste and kerbside-collectedkitchen...
Gas holder of choice
Recently the expression “AD ”has been used increasingly to refer only to agricultural waste anaerobic digestion schemes. But anaerobicdigestion has been in use since as early as 1895 in the...
Powered by cheese: Norfolk-based farm enjoys energy boom
Faced with ananaerobic digestion(AD) plant not operating effectively, Stephen Temple — a Norfolk-based dairy farmer and co-owner of Mrs Temple’sCheeses — enlisted the help of CooperOstlund...
Chip off the old block
During 2015 Statkraft turned a former pulp mill site, based in Tofte, Norway, into a new wood chip trading “hub”. Located close to Scandinavian customers, with 35 hectaresof storage and deep...
Rethinking cleaning
Over the past few years, there has been an enormous change in the power sector. Renewables have grown in popularity in the UK, with wind farms and solar panels appearing and biomass replacing that old...
Biomass boiler upgrades to boost power generation
Most energy intensive manufacturing facilities that use large amounts of steam and power (e.g., pulp, forest, and food products plants) operate industrial boilers to providelow-pressure saturated steam...
Obtaining environmental compliance with existing assets
The industrial biomass-fired boiler market has a number of mature installations from the1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. New or impending environmental legislation and rules are forcing these 20- and 40-year-old...
Farm power
JS Baird is a family run farm of mixed arable, livestock,broiler chickens and laying hens set over 600 acres. The farm produces eggs, wheat, lamb,beef, and wheat. With a history of diversification and...
From trash to treasures
For more than a decade, Dong Energy has been active in the UK offshore wind sector, providing increasing amounts of renewable energy for the UK, investing billions of pounds and employing a growing workforce....
Powering ahead
In this day and age there is a need to look at alternative ways to create much needed low carbon and renewable energy. It is only in the past few years that the opportunities from biogas have become more...
Unlocking waste wood potential
In waste management systems, waste wood is collected separately for subsequent material or thermal use. The term“waste wood” covers materials with very different qualities. Distinctions can...
Briquetting solid waste
The European Waste Directive set targets for each EU member country to reduce the mass of waste consigned to landfill. Encouraged by regulation and the landfill tax, UK waste producers and processor swere...
Charting a course towards a bio-based future
Global challenges like climate change, resource scarcity and population growth mean companies need to learn to do more with less and use raw materials more efficiently. On top of this,pulp and paper companies...
EBA conference 2016 focuses on 'greening gas'
The Conference of the European Biogas Association (EBA) is its most important event. The upcoming conference will revolve around biogas, syngas, and biomethane production, along with digestate, biorefineries,...
Delivering a message
A round table entitled Fact vs Myth — How to rewrite the bioenergy narrative took place recently in the framework of the 2016 Argus conference in London, UK. The fact that communication issues are...
Future-proofing biomass plants
Biomass plant engineers use the most efficient technology to maximise power production and plant reliability. They also need to use the best available techniques when designing,for example, the flue gas...