Volume 4, Issue 2
Published: March 18, 2013
Polish biomass market changes
Mark Döing, owner of independent energy technology consultancy Ecoprog, looks at how a new renewable energy law will affect Poland Poland plans to introduce a new law on renewable energies...
UK biofuels industry responds to ILUC proposals
REA and EREC warn that shifting policy goalposts could prevent UK and EU realising economic benefits of 2020 renewable energy targets UK energy secretary Ed Davey told the European Energy Council...
Barking up the right tree
It could be a case of ‘Oh what a beautiful morning!’ for US renewable energy production from woody biomass if pending legislations are approved in two states First up pending legislation...
Cheap gas = less biogas
The shale gas drilling boom is having an unfortunate side effect of stagnating the biopower industry. For the short term, at least, potential producers need to perfect the right combination of location,...
Of benefit to everyone
Jonathan Kahn, CEO of Geneva Wood Fuels, outlines his ideas for pellet use within the US, following a comeback from adversity Geneva Wood Fuels (GWF), based in the wood industrydominated US state...
Making money less of an object
With so many other things, money is one of the biggest stumbling blocks within biomass projects. The UK’s largest asset finance provider Lombard offers its advice on overcoming this all important...
Behind the torrefaction curtain
Thomas Causer, president of Terra Green Energy, looks at the potential role of torrefied biomass in renewable energy and fuel industries Torrefaction is a mild pyrolysis or ‘roasting’...
Planting the chain
US biopower firms are convincing farmers to expand acreage of miscanthus, switchgrass and other dedicated energy crops on marginal lands, but an absence of federal funding could put all the progress at...
Unravelling the miscanthus mystery
Repreve Renewables’ Jay Brinson talks about the future of miscanthus as a viable renewable feedstock Miscanthus grass is helping North Carolina renewable energy company Repreve Renewables...
to energy producers Increasing the options
When Michael Jackson sang ‘It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white’ it was unlikely he had the wood pellet industry in mind. However, with two new facilities up and running,...
Living up to expectations?
Amy McLellan asks whether the world’s first Green Investment Bank is delivering on its promises It has been three years in the making against a backdrop of gloomy economic forecasts, Whitehall...
AD: still an underdeveloped market
The boom in North American biogas is expected to accelerate in the coming years, buoyed by a renewed commitment to green energy by the second term US administration and the growing number of anaerobic...
Digesting the options
Charlotte Morton, CEO for the UK’s ADBA looks at the advantages of bioenergy produced from anaerobic digestion over that generated through biomass The Committee on Climate Change has said...
Banking on biomass advancement
Andrew Johnson, the VP of industrial equipment supplier for the forestry industry TSI, discusses the future of the torrefaction sector in North America The torrefaction business in North America...
Biomass: a tale of three parts
Technologies developed to split wood into its constituent parts are helping to unlock new markets for lignocellulosic biomass Except for non-vascular plants like mosses, all plants are made of three...
ensure its products contain 6% moisture Keeping pellets on spec
A US wood pellet manufacturer uses a compact halogen lab moisture analyser to ensure its products contain 6% moisture Moisture content is an important quality control criterion for finished wood...
changing its mixing technology Mixing it up
One German biogas plant has realised a 75% reduction in energy costs just by changing its mixing technology Forchheim in the Baden region of Germany is the home to one of the country’s largest...
Sparking a reaction
A fire in the biomass bunkers at a UK power station this time last year was a much needed reminder that storing wood pellet biomass still presents tough challenges More than 120 firefighters, 15...