
Weltec Biopower builds biogas plant in South Korea

Weltec Biopower is building a 7 MW biogas plant in South Korea.

The plant is being constructed in the province of Gyeonggi-do, 60 kilometres north of the capital, Seoul, and will convert biogas into heat via an integrated gas boiler.

It is hoped the plant will go live in spring 2021 and digest up to 93,000 tons of food waste annually, some of which will come from local households.

Weltec said since President Moon Jae-in assumed office, the government has been making “concerted efforts” to achieve autonomy in the power and heat sector and significantly increase the share of renewable energies.

Recently, a Green New Deal was announced to deliver net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. South Korea will be the first country in East Asia to set a timeframe to end its contribution to climate change, according to Weltec.

Weltec has already planned and built two biogas plants in South Korea to process organic waste in 2012 and 2016. Both plants boast a high level of plant availability and profitability, said the firm, which highlighted its extensive experience in the waste sector as a key factor in building this modern facility in Gyeonggi-do.

Vladimir Bogatov, sales manager for Asia, said: “For this purpose, we customised the two duplex steel digesters of the newest generation with a capacity of 6,200 cubic metres (m3) and 2,700 m3, respectively, to the conditions on-site.

“Due to the space limitations on-site and local requirements, the tanks are very slim and have a height of 8.8m.”

Other components of the biogas plant are also custom-made. The raw materials will arrive in processed form and will be fed into the plant as a ready-to-use liquid mixture. “To ensure efficient pre-treatment, we will equip the upstream storage units with special mixing and pump technology,” said Bogatov.

“Our custom-developed SPS-based LoMOS control system will make sure that the substrates are automatically pumped from the pre-storage unit into the digesters, thereby ensuring uninterrupted heat supply.”

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