
Warrens Group praises UK Government’s biomethane plans

Food waste recycler Warrens Group has welcomed the UK Government’s plans to increase biomethane production to heat around 230,000 homes.

On 22 September, the government launched a consultation on a Green Gas Levy, as part of its plans to scale-up biomethane, reduce emissions from the gas grid and help the UK reach its net-zero target.

Kevin Quigley, commercial director at Warrens Group, welcomed the consultation as a “significant step in the right direction” to integrate biomethane in the government’s net-zero strategy. “At Warrens Group, our fundamental purpose is to collect food waste and convert it into energy,” said Quigley.

“Our passion is to strengthen ties with all organisations and communities in our local area to help address the UK Government’s net-zero target by 2050.

“Our solution is one with longevity and reduced impact in comparison to environmental issues caused by traditional methods of food waste disposal.”

Fully deployed, the biomethane sector could deliver a 6% reduction in the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and provide heating for 6.4 million homes, creating tens of thousands of jobs and boosting energy and food production security. Quigley said the government must not lose sight of its food waste recycling strategy for this to be successful.

“It’s vital that the government continues with its food waste recycling strategy, as if we can’t source the feedstock, we won’t be able to generate the biomethane needed.”

As part of the firm’s ongoing efforts to reduce emissions, it has installed a biomethane filling station capable of fuelling 200 vehicles per day and it guarantees no losses in transmissions of gas from conversions to filling.

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