
Viridi Energy’s expansive portfolio

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Dan Crouse, CEO of Viridi Energy, explains the company’s work, outlook and ambitions for the future
Viridi Energy is a full-service renewable natural gas (RNG) platform. Launched with over $300 million (€273m) equity funding led by Warburg Pincus, and additional funding from Green Rock Energy Partners, Viridi works with biogas producers to turn organic feedstocks into energy across North America.
Dan Crouse, CEO, told Bioenergy Insight that its platform can build, own and operate RNG assets with landfill, dairy, biosolids, food waste and other feedstocks.
“We develop greenfield RNG projects, take over existing projects already in process, and rescue projects that have fallen short of expectations,” he added.
The firm has recently begun construction on a landfill RNG project with Marathon County in Wisconsin – one of the first to be developed under the Viridi name. The company will be converting a dormant biogas-to-energy site into a state-of-the-art RNG facility, converting...

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