Veriflux solves traceability-in-waste difficulty

A four-month pilot project in 2022 overcame multiple data, logistic and business obstacles and could have a significant impact on New York City’s effort to divert organic waste from landfills and reduce the city’s carbon footprint.
The system also may provide climate-conscious waste generators with data that could build their conservation credentials and potentially qualify them for renewable energy incentives.
The study was launched in September last year and involved private and public haulers who collected more than 1,750 tonnes of organic waste from close to 600 restaurants, cafeterias, public drop-off bins and other sources in Manhattan, the Bronx and Queens.
The material was processed into WM EBS® product, an engineered bio-slurry, at the company’s CORe® plant in Brooklyn. The EBS® was then transported to DEP’s Newtown Creek Wastewater...