
UK government outlines AD plan

The UK government has outlined its goals for anaerobic digestion in its new National Infrastructure Plan.

The £200 billion (€227 million) public and private sector investment plan will deliver the UK's infrastructure needs over the next five years, which reiterates the government's commitment to promote and incentivise energy from waste, and anaerobic digestion (AD) in particular.

It identifies an expansion of AD and less carbon intensive fuels such as solid recovered fuels as having a key role to play in developing a low carbon supply base of energy and long-term reduction in reliance on imported energy.

The infrastructure plan provides a timetable for the overhaul of the planning regime for major infrastructure projects of national significance that is being brought about by the abolition of the independent Infrastructure Planning Commission.

It reveals details of the revised process will be published by the end of the year. The change means projects such as large-scale energy-from-waste plants will be considered by a unit in the planning inspectorate and decided on by ministers.

It also commits to publish a timetable by the end of the year for issuing the remaining National Policy Statements NPS) that will provide the framework for that planning decision making process, after last week's publication of a re-consultation on the NPS for Energy.

Source: Waste Management News

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