
UK AD industry calls for increased governmental support after FiT consultation

The Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA), a representative of the UK AD industry, has called for “more ambition” for anaerobic digestion from the government in its response to the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) consultation, which was submitted today.

The consultation, which considers tariff levels and scheme rules from 2017, proposed to leave “caps” on annual support for new AD projects at 20MW per year, compared to the 46MW installed in 2015 and 63MW in 2014.

Charlotte Morton, CEO at ADBA, thinks the consultation has “failed to address the big issue” in the FiT.

“The government is restricting the AD sector to less than 20MW of new capacity a year when we could deliver five times more. As the Committee on Climate Change has recognised, delivering more AD capacity is vital to meet the UK’s carbon budgets,” Morton said.

She adds that increased AD support would also help energy security by adding 10% to the UK’s capacity margin by winter 2018.

“The new government has a big opportunity to make UK energy supplies more self-sufficient, more secure and more green. Showing more ambition for AD in the FiT would be a great start,” Morton concluded.

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