
U.S. Gain’s RNG supply to be used in hydrogen production

U.S. Gain has announced that its RNG supply will be used as a feedstock for hydrogen production.

The company, a leader in the development and distribution of alternative fuel and renewable thermal energy, said the move would enable a greener fuelling solution for the California transportation market.

Hydrogen producers are quickly learning the importance of feedstock selection in the production process, said U.S. Gain, particularly when the hydrogen is distributed in regions with established clean fuel programmes. Leveraging RNG in the hydrogen production process can dramatically impact hydrogen’s carbon intensity (CI) score.

A lower CI score translates to improved environmental benefits and additional economic value. For hydrogen producers, the best low-carbon scenario comes from dairy-based RNG, which results in a CI score as low as -300.

“The opportunity to supply RNG into hydrogen production was a natural fit for U.S. Gain’s growth strategy,” said U.S. Gain president, Mike Koel.

“Our job as a vertically-integrated RNG provider is to leverage insight on both ends of the energy supply chain – determining the best development and supply opportunities. Hydrogen is a long-term strategy that enables our existing RNG supply to perform well in future markets.”

Though hydrogen is still in its early stages in terms of technology readiness and infrastructure availability in the commercial transportation market, demand is increasing thanks to government funding and policy, along with technology advancements that give hydrogen diesel-like performance characteristics.

Scott Hanstedt, director of sales at U.S. Gain, added: “Being able to keep CI scores low while maintaining fleet performance offers sustainability benefits and a compelling value proposition that is hard to ignore.

“As a polyfuel provider, we’re working with fleets to evaluate where hydrogen makes sense along their fuelling routes and look forward to building out their fuelling infrastructure network, supplied with RNG-based hydrogen.”

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