
Two biomass plants on the cards for Canada

The development of two biomass-fired power plants in British Columbia, Canada has progressed with the announcement that Iberdrola Engineering will be building them.

Iberdrola was awarded contracts for both plants, worth a total €240 million. One facility will be located in Fort St. James, while the second is planned for Merritt. Total combined capacity is 80MW.

Iberdrola was the successful bidder in an international tender to commission the two facilities. The tender was called by Canadian investment fund Fengate Capital.

Under a contract signed in Canada by the company's subsidiary, it will break ground on the Fort St. James biomass plant later this month. Iberdrola also acquired the right to build the 40MW Merritt facility, with work on this scheduled to begin in February 2014.

The company will be in charge of all stages of construction and commissioning, as well as building two transformer substations and the power lines connecting the plants to the grid.

When commissioned, the two biomass plants will supply electricity to 160,000 homes and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 570,000 tonnes a year.

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