
Turning mixed waste into energy

Royal Dutch Kusters Engineering has developed the Organic Liquefying Press to separate organics and moisture from solid and fibrous waste.

The organic fraction of mixed waste streams is ideal for producing biogas; however, despite the effort put into separating and recycling waste, many organics still end up in landfill or waste incineration plants.

There is much value to be gained from organic waste. Royal Dutch Kusters Engineering has, therefore, developed the Organic Liquefying Press (OLP). This press separates organics and moisture from solid and fibrous waste fractions in a smart and energy-efficient way. It can handle various waste streams, such as the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW), kitchen, garden waste, and plastics contaminated with organics.

Since the 1970s, Kusters has been active in the waste processing market with solutions to separate, shred, compact, and transport all types of waste, all with the goal to help its customers retrieve maximum value from their waste and contribute to a circular and bio-based economy.

In recent years, the immense growth of waste and...

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