
Tibet builds up biogas pools

Since the year 2006, 114,000 biogas pools have been built in the rural areas of Tibet.

The Tibet Department of Farming and Animal Husbandry claims that around 570,000 farmers and herdsmen will now be provided with clean methane. The state council gave the green light for 155,705 biogas pools to be constructed in rural villages in Tibet, costing 659.26 million Yuan (€71.2 million). Further biogas pools will be built for 200,000 Tibetan farmers in this year alone.

According to Du Jie, the deputy head of Tibet Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Department, the construction of these pools have improved the quality of life for many Tibetan people living in the country villages.

‘While solving the energy problem in rural areas, methane project boosts farming, aquiculture and poultry sectors and facilitates the adjustment of structure, of agriculture and animal husbandry industries,’ he said.

However, when the colder months draw closer, these biogas pools will face great challenges, especially as the temperatures differ dramatically during the day compared with night-time.

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