
Tata Motors showcases India’s ‘first’ biomethane bus

India’s ‘first’ biomethane powered bus has been showcased at the Urja Utsav Bio-energy programme. The bio-CNG bus has been developed by Tata Motors, India’s largest commercial vehicles manufacturer.

The Urja Utsa programme was organised by India’s Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, and was attended by the country’s Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Dharmendar Pradhan, and Minister of State with Independent Charge for Power, Coal, New and Renewable Energy and Mines, Piyush Goyal.

Tata Motors has designed and developed biomethane engines suitable for LCV, ICV and MCV buses. Three engines were displayed at the event, along with the lead model: the Tata LPO 1613 with 5.7 SGI NA BS-IV IOBD compliant bus. The Tata LPO 1613 is already in operation in India, and was showcased with biomethane fuel at the event.

“Tata Motors has been at the forefront in pioneering latest technologies and providing smart city solutions in the commercial vehicle industry.” said Girish Waugh, head of Commercial Vehicles at Tata Motors. “We are delighted to present yet another product with innovation in alternate fuel technologies, to cater to the need for a greener country. The use of Bio-CNG will contribute in a positive manner to the Smart Cities proposition of keeping them clean and is a good option for wet garbage management."

“The showcase of the Bio-Methane bus is a step towards developing environment friendly vehicles. Biomethane is produced out of bio-degradable materials like kitchen waste. This gas, which gets produced out of natural degradation process, escapes into the atmosphere unused,” said Rajendra Petkar, head of Power System Engineering at Tata Motors. “However, if this is trapped and used in engines, it reduces the net impact on environment and at the same time produces useful power."

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