

Modern appliances and air quality: Bioenergy Europe highlights bioenergy’s potential in domestic heating.

The heating sector is one of the largest polluters in Europe and subsequently, is one sector which continues to lag in terms of decarbonisation. Buildings are responsible for about 40% of the EU’s energy consumption and 36% of greenhouse gas emissions from energy. A speedy intervention is key to achieving Europe’s climate neutrality goals by 2050. A coherent policy framework must be ensured to support a higher penetration of renewables, quicker market uptake of modern efficient technologies and raise awareness among end-users to build an informed and empowered European citizens-base; able to choose and operate the most effective solutions for their domestic heating.

Renovation Wave strategy: new opportunities for the bioenergy sector

On 14 October, the European Commission announced the Renovation Wave Strategy, setting a comprehensive package to improve energy performance of buildings and decarbonise their energy consumption by increasing the penetration of renewable and modern...

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