
Success of new Brazilian biogas plant

The Raízen biogas power plant in Brazil now generates energy using agricultural by-products.

The Penetron System – including PENETRON ARC, an innovative acid-activated coating specifically designed for anaerobic and biogas conditions – was specified to ensure a waterproof and durable solution for the Guariba plant’s concrete structures.
The $28 million (€23 million) project in the state of São Paulo, generates 21 MW of installed capacity, making it one of the largest biogas power plants in the world.
Raízen, the plant owner and operator, utilises vinasse, slop leftover from distillation, and filter cake, residue from sugarcane juice purification, both by-products from sugar cane processing by an adjacent sugar cane plant.
This plant crushes over 5 million tons of sugar cane annually, furnishing an endlessly renewable energy source for the Raízen biogas power plant.
“The Raízen project represents a revolution in the use of agro-industrial waste,” said Cláudio Neves Ourives, managing director of Penetron Brazil. “And it shows the potential of agricultural waste as a source of clean, renewable energy.”

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