
Steam powers new source of revenue at Daventry biomass plant

A biomass site, based near Daventry, Northamptonshire, UK,  is using Heliex GenSet technology to turn the steam produced in its steam-raising biomass boiler into electricity.

The Pedigree Power recycling site, operated by Silvertree and developed by Larch Group, is converting up to 25,000 tonnes of waste wood per annum into a green source of power. The company said it has also been able to provide heat to its 30,000-tonnes wastewater processing plant, after using the Heliex Gen set.

The electricity produced is used to operate the plant, with the surplus being sold to the National Grid. According to the company, the Heliex system will also allow Pedigree Power to benefit from enhanced Renewable Heat Incentives (RHI) and Contract for Difference (CfD) payments.

Generating up to 0.7 megawatts of electricity each day, depending on the amount of wood burned, Heliex Power’s 580 kWe system will be twinned with one of its 103 kWe machines at the facility. The former is the largest system the company has sold to date, with the combination of the two machines providing investors with a quick return on capital invested.

Tony Wehby, director at Larch Group, said: “Using the Heliex system is another step forward, as we increasingly look to renewables as the principle source of energy at our facilities. Too much wood waste is still destined for the landfill – that’s something we’re keen to eradicate, as we move towards a more sustainable future.

“Converting as much of this waste as possible into energy is the best possible solution, moving away from carbon technologies towards a more circular economy.

Chris Armitage, chief executive of Heliex Power, added: “Biomass plant operators across the UK have identified our technology as a simple way of maximising returns and boosting sustainability even further, by generating a low-cost supply of electricity in addition to the heat supplied by their boiler.

"This is the largest system we have sold to date, testament to the fact that more businesses and sectors are realising the potential of innovative technologies for CHP.

"Our technology is still a very new proposition for many industries, but the benefits it brings in terms of additional revenue, reduced energy consumption, and enhanced sustainability are immense. A range of industries, from glass, steel, and paper production, through to waste incineration, distilling, and agriculture are already realising its potential – and there’s much more to come."

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