
Staffordshire AD plant undergoes expansion

In May this year the Lower Reule Bioenergy anaerobic digestion (AD) plant, supported by the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), came online in Staffordshire, UK, with the ability to generate 1.3MW of power from 15,000 tonnes of waste.

However it is expected that this will increase to 30,000 tonnes of waste a year once phase two of the development process is completed in October 2010.

The majority of this extra waste will come from supermarkets and food producers. The Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council will also collect some locally.

The biogas extracted will be burned in a combined heat and power (CHP) plant to produce equal amounts of heat and power. 1.3MW of power will be provided to the National Grid, while the AD facility will generate enough electricity to power itself.

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