
ST1 Biofuels previews upcoming presentation

Bioenergy International expo & conference is organised by leading publication Biofuels International (BI) magazine, and here Antti Pasanen (AP), Doctor of Technology for St1 Biofuels, provides an insight into what he will be speaking about at the event in Prague, Czech Republic, on 5-6 May.

BI: What is the main subject of your presentation?

AP: I am going to give a speech, about new technical issues which enables economical and ecological ethanol production. These methods St1 Biofuels has put in practice. I am also going to speak about the challenge of organising the production start-up of small scale ethanol plants. All this relates the idea to use waste as a raw-material, which fits well to EU biofuel objectives together with EU waste management objectives.

BI: Can you update us on your plans in the biofuels sector?

AP: St1 Biofuels Oy – a subsidiary of St1 Oy - has a unique Etanolix concept to produce sustainable bioethanol from waste and residues for traffic purposes, with a network of automated dispersed production units. We have an excellent platform to enhance our patented concept to the global market. Since the company was founded in 2006, we have built 5 Etanolix –units, with a capacity of 1.000 m3/a each and a stand-alone dehydration unit with a capacity of 90.000 m3/a.

Building on our patented technology and real process knowledge, we have selected a two-step strategy forward. Firstly we will further expand the network of production units in Finland to maximize the bioethanol production to help our colleagues in St1 Fuel Retail to meet the EU mandate for renewable energy (10% by 2020). In order to do so, we are further enhancing our technology to expand the useable range of feedstocks from the current food industry side streams to municipal biowaste and lingo-cellulosic waste materials. More concretely, we have set a target to achieve a waste based ethanol production capacity of 100.000 m3/a by 2015 and 300.000 m3/a by 2020 respectively.

In parallel with our domestic operations we are building up the capacity to export our concept, as there clearly is a natural demand for our solutions. We expect the first deliveries to the selected European markets to take place during 2011. In addition to in-real-life tested concept, one of our key strengths is the vertical integration within the fuels industry. By knowing the fuels supply and retail markets, we understand the market dynamics, price mechanisms and know what the customer wants. And in case it is needed, we can offer an off-take agreement to customers buying our concept.

BI: What are the main obstacles involved in introducing biofuels in Europe?

AP: Generally speaking, RED and many of the other related legislation or standards are not synchronised. For example the speed of introducing new European standard for E10 is disappointing - not to talk about E15 or even higher blends. In worst case the lack of or a delay of European standards, leads to an unacceptable fragmented situation of different national standards.

We have also observed that different national incentive schemes, e.g. fuel taxes for E85, can lead to unwanted situations, where locally produced sustainable ethanol can be shipped to other markets. In worst case non-harmonized incentives schemes can drive to ridiculous market maneuvers, looking especially from the environmental and whole-pie-economic point of views. And, of course, the permitting processes could always be faster and more consistent.

To summarise, I believe, the key questions, investors ask themselves, are: When will the stable market conditions be there? And will the market last over the life-cycle of the investment?

Those wanting to hear the entire presentation can attend Bioenergy International expo & conference in Prague on 5-6 May and will receive a 10% early booking discount if they register before 1st April.

Key speakers at the event include H.E. Mr. Jan Dusík, Minister of the Environment for the Czech Republic, Ivan Soucek, CEO, Ceska Rafinerska, Marc Gillmann, Bioenergy expert, Total, Miroslav Bažata, Head of biofuel sales, Agropodnik, Dag Roger Rinde, Managing director, Statoil Energy & Retail Norway, Robert Gmyrek, Director, Biofuels Department, PKN Orlen, Jaroslav Pešek, Head of quality and strategic reserves department, Cepro and many more.

As an added bonus the price for the conference includes a biodiesel plant tour on 4 May and places will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.

The tour will be held at Preol’s state-of-the-art biodiesel plant in the industrial region of Lovosice. The plant, designed by Desmet Ballestra, has the capacity to produce 100,000 tonnes of FAME biodiesel and 10,000 tonnes a year of glycerine. It also has an integrated oil mill capable of processing 400,000 tonnes of rape seed a year and 160,000 tonnes of rapeseed oil, as well as 230,000 tonnes of rape meal.

The full conference programme can be viewed at http://www.biofuelsinternationalexpo.com/conf_prog.html.

The charge to attend the conference is only €975 for both days or €575 for one day

Bioenergy International expo & conference, which rebranded this year to focus on bioenergy and biomass as well as just biodiesel and bioethanol, is a two day exhibition and conference which will look in depth at second generation biodiesel, cellulosic ethanol, ways to source sustainable biomass, pyrolysis technology, the potential of biogas across Europe, developments in the use of bioenergy for aviation, future feedstocks such as algae and jatropha and the challenges of storing and handling both biomass and biofuels.

For further information or to register online visit www.biofuelsinternationalexpo.com or contact Margaret Garn +44 208 687 4126 margaret@biofuels-news.com

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