
SoCalGas, SDG&E’s voluntary RNG Tariff request approved

On 17 December, the California Public Utilities Commission approved SoCalGas and San Diego Gas & Electric’s request to offer a voluntary Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Tariff.

The programme will allow households and businesses to purchase RNG from the utilities.

“The approval of the RNG Tariff is an important step in achieving California’s climate goals,” the company said in a statement. “SoCalGas supports those goals.

“With this new programme, natural gas customers will soon have the ability to purchase RNG to fuel their homes and businesses, similar to renewable energy programmes available to electric customers.

“RNG is made from organic waste from dairies, landfills, and with the passage of AB 3163, can now be sourced from dead trees, agricultural waste, and vegetation removed for wildfire mitigation.

“It is only a renewable energy source that can be carbon negative. Experts at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories say California will need to remove 125 million tons of CO2 from the atmosphere per year to achieve carbon neutrality. They found that converting organic waste to clean fuels like RNG holds the greatest potential for negative emissions at the lowest cost.

“SoCalGas is helping to build California’s 21st-century energy system with investments in RNG, hydrogen, fuel cells, and carbon capture and storage.

“The voluntary RNG Tariff is one of those building blocks and part of SoCalGas’ commitment to deliver 20% RNG to its core customers by 2030.

“The gas system complements and is a necessary facilitator of decarbonisation. California’s success in achieving its climate change goals depends in large measure on SoCalGas’ success in decarbonising the fuels flowing through our grid, a goal to which SoCalGas is fully committed.”

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