
SEA-LNG welcomes Port of Zeebrugge as new member

SEA-LNG, the multi-sector industry coalition established to demonstrate the benefits of LNG (and bio-LNG) as a viable marine fuel, has welcomed the Port of Zeebrugge as a new member.

SEA-LNG said Port of Zeebrugge has ‘pioneered’ the development of LNG bunkering in Europe, with the world’s first purpose-built LNG bunkering vessel – the Engie Zeebrugge (now Green Zeebrugge) commencing operations there in 2017.

The partnership highlights the level of collaboration between ports and other key players across the LNG value chain, particularly in the EU. SEA-LNG believes it is vital to continue to support infrastructure development for LNG and bio-LNG now and ensure this is in place for use with renewable synthetic LNG in the future.

SEA-LNG previously said bio-LNG and synthetic LNG offer an ‘incremental pathway’ for the decarbonisation of the shipping industry – one that is already being implemented by a growing number of ship owners.

The Port of Zeebrugge is one of the world’s leading roll-on/roll-off ports and in 2021 transhipped 49.1 million tons of goods. The deep-sea container terminal, CSP Zeebrugge Terminal, is located adjacent to the open sea and the main shipping routes of north-western Europe.

“We’re pleased to welcome the innovative Port of Zeebrugge to our coalition,” said Peter Keller, chairman of SEA-LNG.

“We look forward to working with the port and its users to continue to drive the growth of environmentally-friendly LNG-fuelled shipping in north-west Europe, creating a pathway for long-term decarbonisation of the industry.”

Tom Hautekiet, CEO of the Port of Zeebrugge, commented: “Sustainability and climate protection are high on the agenda of the port authority of Zeebrugge. This new partnership with SEA-LNG will definitely offer us new opportunities to stimulate the switch to eco-friendly fuels and pursue our ambitions to become a new green energy hub internationally.”

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