
RNG highlighted in National Grid’s fossil-free gas networks plan

National Grid in the US has shared its vision for fossil-free gas and electric networks in Massachusetts and New York by 2050.

With National Grid’s Clean Energy Vision: A fossil-free future for cleanly heating homes and businesses, the company announced it will seek to eliminate fossil fuel from its gas networks, replacing it with RNG and green hydrogen while also maximising energy efficiency and helping customers electrify their heat, if they choose to do so, in targeted areas.

“This fossil-free vision is a historic announcement for National Grid and the US,” said John Pettigrew, CEO of National Grid.

“We have a critical responsibility to lead the clean energy transition for our customers and communities. Just as we are investing in renewables like wind and solar to decarbonise the energy running through our electric network, we are committing to decarbonise our gas network by transitioning it completely to RNG and hydrogen by 2050 or sooner.”

Tristan Brown, associate professor at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, commented: “RNG is one of the most cost-effective tools for reducing humanity’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that we have available.

“National Grid’s plan, with its diverse combination of electrification, hybridisation, and RNG development, will enhance system reliability while simultaneously reducing the economy’s emissions of the destructive GHG, methane.

“Coming at a time when investment in low carbon and carbon-negative energy remains far short of what is needed to achieve the decarbonisation targets set by the Paris Agreement and state laws such as New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, National Grid’s fossil-free promises to deliver rapid benefits to both the climate and human health.”

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