
Redexis supplies biomethane to Spanish bus fleet

Energy infrastructure company Redexis will supply renewable gas (biomethane) to Zaragoza Transport Consortium buses in the city of Zaragoza, the capital of Spain’s Aragon region.

The new Scania buses are operated by Alsa Agreda in its gas station at the Zaragoza Taxi Cooperative Service Station. The station is connected to the Redexis gas pipeline network, ensuring the renewable origin of the biomethane provided through guarantees or certificates of origin.

The new model of gas buses, supplied by Scania, will be powered by biomethane derived from livestock slurry, waste from water treatment plants and other municipal services.

By using biomethane, Redexis said drivers will notice ‘the same or better performance of speed and comfort’ compared to diesel buses, but with a negative balance of CO2 emissions.


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