
REDcert, Bioenergy Europe launch sustainable biomass certification scheme

REDcert and Bioenergy Europe have joined forces to create the SUSTAINABLE RESOURCES Verifications Scheme (SURE) – a new independent certification system to ensure sustainable use of biomass in the energy sector.

SURE will provide a practical solution to all economic operators in the bioenergy sector to demonstrate the sustainability of electricity and heat production from biomass. SURE aims to enable all economic operators to show compliance with the legal requirements of the recast Renewable Energy Directive (EU) 2018/2001).

Under RED II, mandatory sustainability criteria have been introduced for economic operators receiving support for the production of electricity or heating and cooling from biomass and biogas. The new rules come into force on 1 July 2021; however, the firms behind SURE suggest economic operators to identify potential weaknesses in the company early on, and to check compliance in good time.

Bioenergy Europe expects bottlenecks may occur when thousands of economic operators simultaneously seek certification to fulfil their legal obligations in due time.

Peter Jürgens, general manager at SURE, said: “The implementation of RED II means all economic operators in the supply chain must provide proof of sustainability.

“We foresee a huge demand and, therefore, it is our strong recommendation to companies to start the certification process as soon as possible.”

SURE is available as a ‘well-balanced and practical’ certification system. As a full scope system, SURE provides certification for the entire supply chain and is open to agricultural and forest biomass producers, producers of biomass fuel from waste and residues, pellet producers, logistic operators, biomass fuel traders, biomass and biogas plants.

This wide range enables certification from a single source, even for different material flows, therefore, SURE guarantees transparency and objectivity through regular checks by independent and neutral auditors.

In the next months, until SURE is officially recognised by the EU Commission to verify compliance with RED II, the scheme will run operational business voluntarily to prove feasibility and prepare the bioenergy sector for the RED II implementation. All certification bodies interested are now invited to submit their application.

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