
Phoenix Energy to build biomass gasification plant in California

Independent power producer Phoenix Energy is to build and operate a 2MW biomass gasification plant near Lake Tahoe, California after signing agreements.

The US company, which develops on-site biomass gasification plants, says the facility will produce electricity, heat and biochar from forest residues sourced from Placer County's fire threat reduction activities.

Placer County is looking for an alternative to open burning of large biomass piles in a bid to reduce the risk of forest fires and improve air quality.

Phoenix Energy's CEO Gregory Stangl says: 'The piling and burning forest biomass in the open is a complete waste of a resource and bad for air quality – but it is often the only economic option for local communities. This plant will serve as a path towards a more sustainable outcome while providing local energy and local jobs.'

This will be the first plant in California to utilise forestry waste, and Phoenix's third biomass gasification plant in the state. When operational, it will also be the company's largest to date.

Stangl believes 'there is a great opportunity for small community-scale biomass plants to produce clean renewable energy for California and our third plant shows the technology is gaining momentum'.

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