
OX2 receives SEK22 million grant to build a waste-to-biogas plant in Sweden

Swedish renewable energy producer OX2 has received a 22 million krona (€2.3m) grant to build a new food waste-to-biogas processing facility in Sweden.

OX2 is also investing 18 million krona of its own capital in the plant, which will be located in the city of Helsingborg in southern Sweden.

The company already operates NSR’s biogas plant in Filborna, for which it received a contract early this year.

“We are naturally very happy about the funding decision, as it gives us an opportunity to develop the existing facility and take in more food waste. This allows us to increase our biogas and digestate production,” Fredrik Olrog, CEO at OX2 Bio, told the Swedish HD newspaper.

Olrog declined further comments about the details of the new plant as the company is currently negotiating with equipment suppliers.

“Simply put, we will be able to receive new types of waste at higher volumes,” he said.

With the funding, OX2 may be able to expand its feedstock intake to different types of waste apart from the household food waste it currently uses.

The funding comes from Sweden’s environmental protection agency Naturvårdsverket, which invests in local projects with potential for major climate benefits.

This year Naturvårdsverket has allocated 600 million krona into its Klimatklivet programme against climate change.

In addition to OX2, Magnihill in Mörarp received 3.6 million krona to purchase a new biopellet boiler and Ecobränsle in Karlshamn has granted 835,000 krona to set up a biodiesel fuelling station in Helsingborg.

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