
Out with the coal, in with the new

In this exclusive case study, French company Vibrafloor explains how it supported its customers’ conversion from coal to biomass in South Korea.

To reduce the use of fossil energy, in 2015 Yeongdong power station in South Korea decided to switch from coal to biomass. Since the early 1970s, the power station, composed of 8 units, has been a pillar of energy for the country, with a capacity of 6,820 MW.

Step by step, the Yeongdong plant has started its conversion to biomass, using wood pellets to reduce its carbon impact. In 2017, the project started for Vibrafloor. Once wood pellets are stored in silos, power plants face potential issues and risks of spontaneous combustion as a result of degradation and long-term residence. The Yeongdong project addressed this problem by utilising Vibrafloor as the bulk reclaiming system.

Unlike other reclaiming technologies, Vibrafloor requires no routine maintenance; it has no major wearing or rotating parts, achieves 100% clearance of the stored product without generating dust or degrading the pellets, and operates using very little energy.

The system works...

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