
Norway sets a positive trend for Scandinavian bioenergy

A decision by the Norwegian Parliament to equalise biogas with hydrogen and electricity has provided a boost for the country’s bioenergy sector.

The Norwegian Parliament’s decision in May to equalise biogas with electricity and hydrogen in all public policies was undoubtedly a major step forward for the bioenergy industry in Norway and also, potentially, for the rest of the Scandinavian and the Baltic region.

Welcomed by the Norwegian Biogas Association (Biogass Norge) as a development that clears the way for stronger financial incentives to be advanced to increase both the production and use of biogas in Norway, the parliament’s positive signal is seen as an example to other Nordic governments of how to raise the profile of bioenergy within their own countries.

Matti Vikkula, CEO of Scandinavian Biogas, described the equalisation decision as a ‘great statement’ on behalf of the sector, when he addressed international investors and the media in late July during the presentation of the company’s second quarter (Q2) results.

Announcing a 19.4% increase in Q2 operating income for the...

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