
NordFuel’s Finland advanced bioproduct factory relies on Chempolis’ technology

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NordFuel has selected Chempolis Ltd as its technology provider for its next generation bioproduct factory in Haapavesi, Finland.
This decision accelerates the project towards the planned 2028 production start, according to the company.
At the same time, NordFuel has initiated a financing round to ensure the completion of this state-of-the-art facility.
The collaboration with technology provider Chempolis Ltd positions NordFuel's facility to revolutionise the conversion of forest industry’s sidestreams into sustainable biofuels and bioproducts such as bioethanol, biogas and lignin.
Chempolis is a provider of biorefining technologies for energy, biofuel, oil, paper and chemical industries.
"We warmly thank NordFuel, that, based on thorough investigations, has chosen Finnish Chempolis as the technology supplier. In our flexible process, raw materials are efficiently refined into high-value products for rapidly growing markets. We look forward to continuing the excellent cooperation with the NordFuel team. Together we have started a journey where we act as pioneers in the transition from a fossil-based linear economy towards a bio- and circular economy," said CEO of Chempolis Heli Antila.
“Chempolis' license covers the bioethanol production technology, which is based on the so-called organosolv-process. In addition to bioethanol, the process produces high-quality, pure lignin, biogas and biochemicals,” said Matti Asikainen, the CEO of NordFuel.
"The establishment of our bioproduct factory significantly furthers the achievement of climate targets in our target markets. As we enhance resource efficiency, we concurrently diminish dependence on fossil fuels and cut carbon emissions. The reductions in emissions are particularly impactful within the transportation sector, yet the production of lignin and biogas also introduces significant emissions reductions across other sectors," Asikainen added.

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