
New Volkswagen Golf TGI designed to run on biomethane

The new Volkswagen Golf TGI is equipped with a 1.5-litre four-cylinder engine and three natural gas fuel tanks, which can utilise biomethane.

The tanks are integrated into the underbody and permit a range of approximately 400 kilometres in pure natural gas mode. The engine of the ‘quasi-monovalent’ drive system is powered primarily with compressed natural gas (CNG), but can also run on petrol.

Drivers of natural gas-powered vehicles benefit from comparatively low fuel prices in many countries. Compared to petrol or diesel, natural gas containers a significantly higher amount of energy and has a lower carbon content. This means driving in CNG mode produces around 25% fewer carbon emissions than with petrol, according to Volkswagen.

Refuelling the new Golf with biomethane or ‘e-gas’ results in an even better carbon balance. While biomethane is produced from organic waste, e-gas is produced from excess green electricity. These are added to the fuels.

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