
New Rolande LNG station in Germany equipped for bio-LNG

Rolande’s new LNG station opened in Germany’s Port of Duisburg on 1 December.

The new station, developed by Rolande and Duisburger Hafen, is open to all LNG-fuelled commercial vehicles and is equipped for the use of bio-LNG in the future.

Following the opening of the first Rolande LNG filling station in Ulm, the Duisburg location is an important milestone for Rolande on the road to establishing a nationwide public LNG filling station network in Germany.

Further locations are expected to open in 2020 and early 2021 in Dortmund, Grasdorf, Lübeck, Ziesar, and Hamburg.

Erich Staake, chair of the management board of Duisburger Hafen, said: “Through the expansion of the public LNG network in the Port of Duisburg, we contribute together with our partners to a significant reduction of CO2 and other emissions – an important part of the change to climate-neutral logistics.

“Jointly with Rolande, we have created a significant added value by building the LNG filling station on logport I, of which foremost our customer and leaseholder network can profit directly on-site.

“Long-distance freight haulage in the region will also be able to make use of the benefits of LNG in terms of costs and sustainability for the long-term. This is an economic added value for the entire location.”

The new station has two LNG pumps and a daily capacity for up to 150 vehicles and large driveways to accommodate heavy-duty trucks. It forms part of the Connect2LNG project financed by the European Commission’s CEF programme, which aims to develop a European LNG fuelling network by commissioning five stations in Germany and France.

“The Port of Duisburg is an important LNG site for our planned nationwide LNG filling station network in Germany,” said Jolon van der Schuit, CEO of Rolande.

“Our first own station in Ulm is proof of how quickly and successfully LNG is being accepted in Germany. Just a few weeks after it opened in July 2020, the station became one of our strongest LNG filling stations in terms of sales in Europe.

“I am convinced that we will see a similar success story in the Port of Duisburg. The Port of Duisburg and Rolande are motivated by the firm belief in a future without fossil fuels.

“As a part of this, we consider LNG to be a stepping-stone on the way to bio-LNG. Together, we want to contribute with this to a cleaner world for tomorrow.”

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