
New biomass plant for UK

The North East Lincolnshire Council in the UK has approved a biomass-fuelled plant, which will be built in the region for about £130 million (€158 million).

Real Ventures, the company behind the development, plans for the facility to have an electrical output of more than 49MW which should power around 90,000 residences.

The plant will be a combined heat and power (CHP) project which will use wood pellets to create electricity. Around 200-250 jobs will be created during a 30 month building contract, with 35 permanent jobs being created on completion.

The project will be built on three hectares of land which is currently owned by Associated British Ports, and come online in 2015.

Ray Tucker, CEO of Real Ventures, says: ‘We are now proceeding to secure funding for the final design and construction work for the Immingham project.’

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