
New ‘Bioheat Profitability Assessment tool’ launched

The Austrian Energy Agency (AEA) and the European Biomass Association, AEBIOM, have teamed up together to launch a new ‘Bioheat Profitability Assessment tool’.

The tool is part of a European Union’s H2020 Bioenergy4Business project. It has been developed for the examination and comparison of investments in biomass-heating and equivalent fossil fuelled systems, for mid-scale production of low temperature space and domestic hot water as well as process heat.

In a statement, AEBIOM said: “The novelty of this tool is that it includes country-specific 2015-based investment data for all heating plant components of wood-pellets, wood-chips, natural gas and fuel oil fuelled in-house and district heating plants for a capacity range of 100 kW to 20.000 kW for 12 European countries.

“For countries where of relevance, data of straw and coal-fired plants are available as well. All data sheets of the tool and its integrated manual can be switched between ten languages.”

 This story was written by Liz Gyekye, editor of Bioenergy Insight.

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