
Liqvis and revis bioenergy announce partnership for Bio-LNG supply

Liqvis and revis bioenergy have concluded an agreement for the supply of Bio-LNG. Based on current planning, revis bioenergy is due to supply Liqvis with Bio-LNG from mid-2023 - it will be produced in a revis biomethane liquefaction plant.
Liqvis plans to offer Bio-LNG as an alternative fuel for heavy duty transport at its LNG filling stations in Germany from the summer of 2023 and to gradually convert its entire supply portfolio to 100% Bio-LNG.
Bio-LNG is CO2-neutral and it is produced exclusively from advanced waste and residual agricultural materials in accordance with EU regulation RED II. It enables a significant CO2 saving compared to conventional LNG.
Sebastian Gröblinghoff, managing director of Liqvis, said: "Unfortunately, due to the high gas prices caused by geopolitical developments in recent months, LNG is no longer competitive as an alternative fuel for heavy duty transport when compared with conventional fuels. Particularly our customers in the forwarding and logistics sector, who have relied on LNG-powered vehicles, have come under severe economic pressure.
"Together with revis bioenergy GmbH, we have succeeded in concluding a Bio-LNG supply contract which makes us less dependent on price developments on the European gas exchanges, while at the same time enabling more sustainable competitiveness with diesel fuels.
"We are pleased to be working together with a strong partner, revis bioenergy GmbH, to make another important contribution on the road to decarbonising heavy duty transport in Germany. The Bio-LNG supply contract, under which the first quantities are to be delivered in the second half of 2023 according to current plans, thus creates a clear perspective for our customers and strengthens the future viability of this drive technology".
Simon Detscher, MD legally responsible for waste management at revis bioenergy, said: "In revis bioenergy GmbH, Liqvis has gained a strong partner that specialises in the operation of biogas and biomethane plants using residual and waste materials. As a partner and marketer for green gases and fuels, revis will also take over liquefaction of the biomethane produced".
Uniper subsidiary Liqvis has been operating LNG filling stations at strategic transport hubs with particularly high heavy duty transport volumes since 2017. The company said that offering converntional LNG has helped its customers achieve significant CO2 savings over the use of diesel as fuel.
It added that, through cooperation with revis bioenergy, it will be able to offer its customers a completely CO2 -neutral product at prices competitive with diesel from mid-2023.

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