
Lincolnshire anaerobic digestion facility installs Whites Concrete elliptical tank

A special elliptical tank made from precast panels by Whites Concrete (part of the Naylor Group) has been installed for a new anaerobic digestion (AD) plant in Lincolnshire, UK.

One of an increasing number of successful biogas plants operated by a leading multi-disciplinary construction, engineering and operating group, Whites Concrete has also provided a circular Sealwall tank for the farm, which uses cattle manure as its main feedstock.

The elliptical tank, approximately 30m by 10m and 4m high, comprises 68 precast concrete panels, whilst the circular sealwall tank is constructed with 30 – both now providing a very robust storage solution, without the need for in-situ concrete, which can reduce construction time by up to 50%. 

Whites Concrete’s pre-cast panels can also be utilised to maximise silage storage, such as a new silage clamp at Sherburn in Elmet, constructed in 3 compartments with a capacity of 4500 tonnes.  Whites Concrete were called upon to create a design that would use the space to full effect, keeping silage dry and clean whilst ensuring that load demands would meet the bulk density.

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