
India signs Paris climate agreement, aims to produce 10GW biomass power by 2022

India, the world’s fourth-largest carbon emitter with its population of 1.3 billion people, has ratified the Paris agreement on climate change.

India, who became the 62nd nation to join the deal, is responsible for 6% of the global CO2 emissions following China, which accounts for 28%, the US for 16%, and the European Union 10%.

In terms of per capita CO2 emissions, 10 other countries are ahead of India, reports Hindustan Times.

The agreement will enter into force on the 30th day after the date on which at least 55 countries accounting in total for at least an estimated 55% of global greenhouse gas emissions ratify it.

As part of the initial commitments to the agreement, India plans to reduce its carbon emission intensity – emission per unit of GDP – by 33-35% from 2005 levels over 15 years.

It aims at producing 40% of its installed electricity capacity by 2030 from non-fossil fuels, which would mean India will have to shift significantly from coal-based power generation to renewable energy sources.

It will have to produce 100GW from solar, 60GW from wind, 10GW from biomass and 5GW from small hydropower by 2022.

Another commitment under the treaty requires India to increase its forest cover by five million hectares along with an improvement in the quality of green cover of an equal measure by 2030.

The Paris agreement, signed in December 2015, requires the member countries to make binding commitments to curb CO2 emissions to keep global average temperatures from rising above 1.5°C as compared to pre-industrial measurements.

The US intend to cut its emissions by 26-28% by 2025 against 2005 levels and the EU has pledged to lower its emissions by 40% by 2030 against 1990 levels as part of the initial commitments.

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