
“Imagine what could be achieved by 2030?”

Dawn Stephens-Borg, editor of Bioenergy Insight, reflects on the 12th National Conference of the Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA).

I am sure this isn’t quite how ADBA imagined its 12th National Conference to be, with everyone at home tuning in from across the globe. For Charlotte Morton, ADBA’s chief executive, no distance was great enough to stop her from rallying the biogas troops and delivering a message of hope and inspiration, all the way from Kenya.

Introducing the event, Morton highlighted the key findings of ADBA’s latest report, Biomethane: the Pathway to 2030’, revealing that the anaerobic digestion (AD) sector has cut emissions by more than 1% and can deliver a further 5%. To achieve this vital target, a clear strategy is needed to remove barriers.

With COP26 on the horizon, Morton said the UK is “under great international pressure to lead by example to galvanise others to follow suit”. In 2020, the UK pledged to cut emissions by 68% by 2030, an extremely ambitious target, noted Morton, given the UK is currently projected to miss its existing climate targets. With...

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