
Host invests in its own biogas plants to process manure

Host has ‘stepped up’ the investment and operation of its bioenergy systems in the Netherlands.

By investing in its own biogas facilities in Boornbergum, Host allows farmers with sufficient manure or agricultural feedstock available all year round to realise a biogas plant at its site, without the financial investment.

Host has a strong foothold in small-scale manure-to-RNG plants in the Netherlands and has more Microferms in the pipeline for this year.

Sjaak Klein Gunnewiek, sales manager of biogas plants at Host, said: “This is the key to creating more agricultural industry-specific renewable energy installations to fast-forward sustainable livestock farming.

The Microferm project in Boornbergum forms part of the ‘Jumpstart’ initiatives, which Host has collaborated on with dairy cooperative FrieslandCampina. Manure from 550 dairy cows is processed via anaerobic digestion to produce 40 Nm3 of biomethane per hour, equivalent to 1.5 times the number of households in the village of Frysian Boornbergum.

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