
Host, BoxLNG to develop compressed biogas projects in India

Indian firm BoxLNG has signed a technology collaboration and investment agreement with Netherlands-based bioenergy systems supplier Host to develop compressed biogas (CBG) projects.

BoxLNG, a distributed clean bioenergy project developer, is focused on executing scalable RNG and CBG projects, and through its subsidiary ZiPGAS, holds 14 letters of intent for the supply of around 150 tons per day of CBG under the Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation (SATAT) scheme by the Government of India.

Host will support ZiPGAS along with its subsidiary Bright Biomethane with a focus on biogas purification.

Herman Klein Teeselink, CEO of Host, said: “We are excited about the partnership with BoxLNG. This is a great bioenergy platform for us to showcase our technology expertise in one of the fastest-growing clean energy fields, and for us to establish a strong foothold in (South) Asia.”

Under the SATAT scheme, the Indian Government plans to set up 5,000 CBG plants across the country with an estimated production of 15 million tonnes of CBG annually.

BoxLNG will use the various biomass/waste sources, including agricultural residue, municipal solid waste, sugarcane press mud, distillery spent wash, cattle dung, sewage treatment plant, and food waste, to generate the CBG.

“This is an opportune time for India to showcase its leadership position towards cleaner and greener future,” said Brij Mohan Bansal, president of BoxLNG, “and in this regard, following on the aspirations of our Honourable Prime Minister, we are fully committed towards energy transition by utilising local resources.”

BoxLNG will start implementing three projects on ground in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra starting February 2021, followed by the remaining 11 projects throughout 2021.

Sachin Nagdive, CEO of BoxLNG, said: “We thank Host for their intention to work together with BoxLNG towards the realisation of the first projects in India. We are working tirelessly towards our first target of achieving 200 CBG plants over the next 10 years, and for this to happen we need strong partners.

“Host brings to the table world-class proven technology, investment, and support allowing us to scale-up in a short span of time.”

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