
Green electricity for recycling plant due in UK

UK waste-to-energy BioWayste has signed a six year contract with recycling business Brocklesby to provide green electricity and heat via its anaerobic digestion (AD) technology.

BioWayste will run and manage a £2 million (€2.3 million), 40,000 tonne per year AD plant based on Brocklesby’s seven acre site in Yorkshire. Six reactors, along with combined heat and power engines, will provide Brocklesby with 75% of its current electricity usage, all generated from waste products currently being tankered from site.

‘Not only will this agreement remove tankers from the local road infrastructure, it’ll reduce our reliance on fossil fuels by making green energy from waste on our own site,’ says Brocklesby MD Rob Brocklesby.

‘By working with other partners, including the Environment Agency and Yorkshire Water, we also aim to provide a fully automated and controlled service using locally trained operatives and management,’ adds Biowayste sales manager David Orme.

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