
Forest Fuels is on the Biomass Suppliers List

Forest Fuels, a UK wood fuel supply company, says it is among the first UK biomass fuel suppliers to be included as an approved supplier on the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) Biomass Suppliers List (BSL) for both woodchips and wood pellets.

Buying fuel from a BSL approved supplier satisfies some of the new requirements which boiler owners need to meet in order to claim Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) payments.

Forest Fuels said in a statement: 'The BSL is one of a suite of ways that DECC ensures that installations supported via the RHI scheme cut carbon emissions and that the fuel they are burning is sustainably sourced. As a supplier approved under the BSL, Forest Fuels demonstrate that the wood fuel we provide will deliver at least 60% cuts in carbon emissions and also comes from auditable, sustainably grown sources.'

Forest Fuels is also third part Quality Assured via Woodsure for its woodchips and ENplus for its wood pellet fuels.

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