
European Biogas Association releases 2022 Activity Report

The European Biogas Association has released its 2022 Activity Report.
It outlined one of its most significant achievements as launching the Biomethane Industrial Partnership (BIP) at October's European Biogas Conference. The BIP began with a call in December 2021 for a public-private sector partnership for biomethane deployment. It aims to support the achievement of the target to increase annual production and use of biomethane to 35 billion cubic metres by 2030.
On its announcement, Harmen Dekker, CEO of the European Biogas Association, said: "The biomethane sector is ready to meet the 35 bcm target, which requires €70 to 80 billion of investment. The Biomethane Industrial Partnership will be instrumental in Europe to drive joint efforts to overcome barriers for investment, production and use."
Monitoring the sector
The report notes that one of the EBA's core missions is to monitor the state of play of biogas and biomethane across Europe. To do so, it regularly collects and analyses date. Some of its key publications...

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