
European Bioenergy Day celebrated with campaign launch

On 13 November, the bioenergy industry celebrated ‘European Bioenergy Day’, meaning from that date, bioenergy alone would be able to cover all the energy needs of EU Member States until the end of the year.

To coincide with this milestone, Bioenergy Europe announced the launch of the fourth edition of the European Bioenergy Day campaign, which aims to shed a light on the increasingly central role that sustainable bioenergy is playing in Member States’ energy mix.

The organisation said this year’s ‘impressive’ European Bioenergy Day date (meaning 49 days of energy could be supplied entirely by bioenergy) confirms past years’ trends and signifies the growth experienced by the European bioenergy sector.

While bioenergy continues to steer Europe towards a carbon-neutral future, contributing already with 10.3% of the gross final energy consumption, recent figures highlight how Europe remains ‘excessively dependent’ on fossil fuels (82.5%), according to Bioenergy Europe, with subsidies continuing to head in the wrong direction.

Spreading the projection for Europe’s energy demand across the calendar, the organisation said the EU continues to rely on fossil and nuclear energy for a ‘worrying’ 282 days in 2020. All renewables combined account for 84 days of clean energy, and bioenergy contributes to 49 days.

At EU level, this accounts for two additional days of renewable energy compared to 2019. Thankfully, said Bioenergy Europe, when examining single countries’ figures, a similarly positive trend can be identified. Countries such as Denmark, Finland, and Sweden have seen a net increase in bioenergy consumption ranging from 3-5 extra days.

Bioenergy contributes to 60% of renewable energy sources’ (RES) gross final energy consumption. The sector contributes to the creation of more than 700,000 direct and indirect jobs in Europe, representing 49% of all RES jobs.

With European-based industry accounting for more than 50,000 businesses across the continent, bioenergy produces an annual turnover of nearly €60.6 million and net export worth €5 billion.

By 2050, it is estimated that there will be 460 Mtoe of sustainable biomass available, including residues from forestry, agriculture, industry, and organic waste – equivalent to 1,624 oil tankers, each gravid with 2 million barrels.

Bioenergy Europe believes bioenergy can play a pivotal role in achieving Europe’s ambitious climate targets, claiming this quantity of bioenergy could meet more than half of the EU’s final energy demand by 2050.

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