
EU approves Belgian green energy certificate scheme

The European Commission (EC) has approved, under EU state aid rules, a Belgian green energy certificate scheme aimed at supporting renewable electricity production in the Belgian region of Wallonia.
The programme will contribute to the achievement of the
EU’s energy and climate objectives as well as the strategic objectives linked to the European Green Deal, according to the EC.
Under this scheme, renewable electricity producers receive green energy certificates which they can sell on the market (or to the local Belgian transmission system operator,
Elia, at a guaranteed minimum price) and thus obtain additional revenue on top of the market price of electricity.
The scheme supports a wide range of green technologies, including photovoltaics, wind power, hydropower, solid biomass, biogas and
biomethane, as well as geothermal energy.
The number of certificates that a producer obtains per MWh of renewable electricity produced is administratively set on the basis of reference values revised annually by the Walloon authorities.
The estimated maximum budget of the scheme for the period 2024-2028 amounts to €755 million.
Certificates are issued over a period of 10 to 25 years, depending on technology, and the system will last until 31 March 2028.

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