
Enhanced ENplus® procedures

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Bioenergy Europe explains the new documentation for ENplus® — the quality certification scheme for wood pellets that certifies the entire supply chain, from the early stages of production to the delivery process
The world-leading certification scheme for wood pellet quality, ENplus®, has published new documentation, which brings in enhanced procedures, an expanded set of requirements and improvements to all the aspects of the scheme’s management.
The European Pellet Council has been working on this revision for more than three years, involving a wide variety of stakeholders, to ensure ENplus’® constructive development and successful adaptation to the constantly evolving pellet market.
More on the revision process
To guarantee that the revision is fair and open to discussion, EPC organised the process in such a way that every opinion was acknowledged and considered. An appointed Advisory Committee was the main responsible body, being composed of various wood pellet stakeholders — from governing and certification bodies to certified companies and end-users’ organisations.
To give an opportunity to every actor...

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