
Energy secretary opens Drax biomass plant

A new biomass power plant at Drax power station in Yorkshire, UK has opened.

The biomass power plant now burns wood pellets sourced from the US instead of coal, slashing its carbon emissions by 80%.

By 2016, £700 million (€837 million) will have been invested to convert three of the plant's six coal-fired generating units to biomass.

The facility was opened by energy secretary Ed Davey, who also announced that the government will invest in the £2 million White Rose Carbon Capture Scheme at the site. This is the first project to be allocated funds under the government's £1.64 billion CCS commercialisation programme.

Davey was reported to have said: 'Our coal industry has powered Britain for more than a century and today we're seeing a clear roadmap for its future – whether by converting existing plants to cleaner fuels, or building state-of-the-art power stations that mean coal is truly clean.'

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