
Dow Corning to produce biopower

Based in Michigan, US, silicone manufacturer Dow Corning is looking to build an energy production facility at its site in Midland that runs off biogas. The aim is to produce a constant supply of renewable electricity and steam that will cut back on the manufacturer’s energy bills.

The wheels are already in motion and Dow Corning has approached Cirque Energy to build, own and operate the facility. Cirque Energy recently filed for the necessary permits with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

The plant will begin operations using waste wood collected from forest harvesting and mills, in addition to dead trees. According to Dow Corning, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) must certify any wood used at the plant.

The manager of Dow Corning’s Midland site Jim Smith commented: ‘Dow Corning is exploring the use of renewable biogas energy to provide steam and manufacturing operations. Biomass would offer our site the long-term, cost-effective and renewable supply of steam and energy we need as we continue to invest and grow our Midland operations.’

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