
China Chant breaks ground on biomass plant

China Chant Group is developing a new biomass-fired power plant in China's Shandong province.

The new plant will generate more than 200MWh of renewable electricity using cotton straw, bark and rice husk when it comes online.

DP CleanTech, a manufacturer of biomass-to-energy power plants, is building the facility and broke ground in August. This is the fourth biomass power plant to be delivered to Chant by DP CleanTech.

In 2011 and 2012, DP CleanTech designed and installed its boiler technology at two of Chant's biomass power plants: another in Shandong province and a CHP plant in Heilongjiant province. A third plant in Ning'an is still under construction and is expected to be completed before the end of this year.

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