
Chevron invests $20m in Clean Energy RNG initiative

Chevron U.S.A is investing an additional $20 million (€16.4 million) in Clean Energy Fuels Corp’s Adopt-a-Port initiative.

Chevron has now invested a total of $28 million (€23 million) in the initiative, which provides truck operators – large fleets and owner-operators – serving the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach with cleaner, carbon-negative renewable natural gas (RNG), to reduce emissions.

In addition to providing funding for Adopt-a-Port, Chevron supplies RNG to Clean Energy stations near the ports. Chevron’s funding will allow truck operators to subsidise the cost of buying new or converting to RNG-powered trucks. Clean Energy will manage the programme, including offering fuelling services for qualified truck operators.

“Extending our agreement with Clean Energy demonstrates the strength of our partnership in providing low-carbon fuels to our customers,” said Andy Walz, Chevron’s president of Americas fuels and lubricants.

“Along with other recent investments like Brightmark, CalBio, selling branded renewable diesel in San Diego County, and piloting hydrogen fuelling stations and electric vehicle charging stations, Adopt-a-Port shows Chevron’s commitment to increasing renewables in support of our business to provide affordable, reliable, and ever-cleaner energy to the market.”

Truck operators participating in the programme agree to fuel up at the Clean Energy stations supplied with Chevron RNG. Truck operators and their import and export customers are expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard programme while also reducing smog-forming NOx emissions by up to 98% compared to diesel trucks.

Greg Roche, Clean Energy’s vice-president of sustainability, said: “Chevron’s increased commitment to this project will allow us to extend favourable funding to smaller, independent operators, which means cleaner, RNG-fuelled trucks operating in the ports.

“The resulting positive environmental impact will help to reduce local air pollution while also eliminating climate pollutants.”

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