
Can bioenergy help Europe achieve carbon neutrality?

Bushfires and Brexit raise Europe’s bioenergy temperature for the new decade

By Colin Ley

The opening of a new decade sees European bioenergy producers poised to play a major role in support of the region’s 30-year drive towards carbon neutrality.

The need for change has arguably never been more graphically illustrated than by the raging bushfires in Australia and the devastation they have caused in recent weeks to people, their homes and their livelihoods. Constant images of burnt-out buildings, scorched pastures and dead animals have heightened the climate change debate in that country and around the world, coming on the back of deforestation issues in the Amazon and the massive media attention surrounding Swedish climate campaigner, Greta Thunberg.

While the darkened skies over Australia have served as a sharp reminder of the challenge we face, the task of actually reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions remains as elusive as ever, despite the high profile unveiling of the European Green Deal (EGD) at the end of 2019.

Although the EGD is undeniably high in aspiration, the...

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